Between 2008 and 2023, AWARD facilitated the growth and development of 85 researchers and leaders from Senegal, with 57 of them being fellowship beneficiaries. Three (3) Fellows were sponsored to partake in Advance Science Training (AST) research attachments. Additionally, AWARD enhanced the skills of 15 trainees on leadership, writing and communication and presentation skills, drawn from various institutions in Senegal, including but not limited to International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI), CORAF/WECARD, UCAD, among others.
Our work in Senegal
- Senegal Country Chapter: The journey towards the Senegalese Association of Women in Agricultural Research and Development (SenAWARD) goes back to October 2019 when AWARD convened francophone AWARD Fellows, Mentors, and Fellows’ Mentees in Cote d’Ivoire to lay the foundation for the creation of a francophone chapter, capitalizing on the AWARD Pan-African Fellowship. SenAWARD held a role modelling event in June 2022, at the University of Cheikh Anta Diop to encourage young students, especially girls, to pursue scientific studies. Senegal, as in most other African countries, the underrepresentation of women in scientific fields is a significant obstacle to professional equality. The intervention of women scientists in high school classes significantly reduces the prevalence of stereotypes associated with scientific careers and the place of women in science, both among girls and boys. Read more about Country Chapters.
- The Forum Week: This event held between May and June 2022, was an opportunity for further learning, experience sharing and best practices on leadership development for One Planet Fellowship Women Cohort (1 and 2). The event promoted research collaboration among women scientists from different linguistic and socio-cultural African backgrounds in the context of climate change.
- Global Forum on Women in Scientific Research (GoFoWiSeR): With ongoing concern on the low numbers of women in Science Technology Engineering and Mathematics (STEM), and in the wake of the MeToo movement, there is a growing momentum to pay attention to the numbers and experiences of women in science. Envisioned as a global conversation, the GoFoWiSeR sought to bring together leaders of research institutions, research funders, female scientists, and other stakeholders to analyze progress already made and share strategies for the work ahead. The Forum provided a valuable opportunity to catalyze new connections and strengthen the network of actors and advocates working to increase the numbers and improve women's experiences in science. Read more about GoFoWiSeR.
- AWARD Research Proposal Writing Skills Course: In July 2019, AWARD trained 27 Pan-African Fellowship Fellows in research proposal writing in Saly, Senegal. The course covered different science-related topics and used didactic and hands-on training to develop and strengthen the capacity of participants to communicate scientific research to various audiences and write effective proposals to attract research grants. Participants learnt various skills in science communication and presentation, social competence and personal branding to enable them to build their confidence and pitch their research ideas to peers and potential funding agencies. Read more about AWARD courses.

Senegal Country Chapter
Located at Cheikh Anta Diop University in Dakar, Senegal, SenAWARD is an initiative established by former Senegalese fellows, mentors, and fellow mentees of AWARD's pan-African training program. Their objective is to impart the knowledge and skills they have gained, especially to fellow women within the agricultural sector, while also playing a role in advancing innovative and inclusive agriculture in Senegal.
Contribute to the development of sustainable, innovative and inclusive Senegalese agriculture through collaborative research, skills development, technology transfer and empowerment of vulnerable groups.
- Strengthen stakeholders' interpersonal and scientific capacities.
- Training girls in STEM and life skills (communication, teamwork, leadership, etc.)
- Capacity-building for stakeholders in agri-sustainable practices, agri-food technologies, etc.
- Design and management of collaborative research and development projects
- Disseminate innovative technologies to stakeholders (installation of field schools in elementary, intermediate and secondary to introduce young people to agriculture, organization of reforestation days as part of the environmental education, etc.).
- Set up a directory of women scientists working in the agricultural sector.
- Organization of scientific events (seminars, forums, open days, celebration of women, etc.)
To be a multi-stakeholder platform for exchange and sharing, helping to revitalize agriculture in Senegal.
SENEGAL Country Chapters
SenAWARD is an initiative established by former Senegalese fellows, mentors, and fellow mentees of AWARD's pan-African training program. Their objective is to impart the knowledge and skills they have gained, especially to fellow women within the agricultural sector, while also playing a role in advancing innovative and inclusive agriculture in Senegal.