
AWARD invests in building a pool of capable, confident, and influential African scientists to lead critical advances and innovations in the agricultural research and development sector (ARD).

Through career development programs and other customized interventions, we equip African researchers with various skills including leadership, mentoring, science, grant writing, negotiation, gender in agri-food systems networking and communication skills.

To date we have reached 9,433 African scientists from various disciplines in agri-food systems. Out of this number 2047 are AWARD Fellows from five Fellowship programs.


GRASP Fellowship

Purpose: To equip mid-career African women to catalyze the design and implementation of gender-responsive agricultural policies across Africa.
Period: October 2021 – April 2025
Budget: USD 5M
Countries (12): Ghana, Nigeria, Uganda, Malawi, Zambia, Kenya, Burkina Faso, Ethiopia, Madagascar, Mozambique, Rwanda, and Senegal.

To date, the GRASP Fellowship’s consists of 196 beneficiaries, including 98 Policy Fellows and 98 Senior Policy Experts (mentors) from 12 African countries. The Policy Fellows participate in a (2) two-year program, incorporating a combination of virtual and face-to-face training, masterclasses, and active participation in policy forums.

Read more about the GRASP Fellowship.

One Planet Fellowship

Purpose: To build a vibrant, highly connected, and inter-generational network of African and European scientist leaders equipped to lead next-generation research focused on helping Africa’s smallholder farmers adapt to a changing climate.
Period: 2019 – 2024
Budget: USD 20M
Countries (28): Austria, Belgium, Burkina Faso, Benin, Côte d'Ivoire, Cameroon, Germany, Algeria, Spain, Ethiopia, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Kenya, Morocco, Mali, Malta, Malawi, Nigeria, Netherlands, Sweden, Senegal, Togo, Tanzania, United States, and Zambia.

To date, AWARD has facilitated the growth and development of 483 scientist leaders from 28 African and European countries working on the development of innovative research projects, gender-responsive interventions towards climate change adaptation and sustainable agriculture. The fellowship is designed as a 3-year career development program for three (3) cohorts that extends the benefits of the AWARD Fellowship model to women and men agricultural scientists from Africa.

Read more about the One Planet Fellowship.

Pan-African Fellowship

Purpose: To strengthen the capacity of African women agricultural researchers with a focus on women from Francophone Africa.
Period: 2019 – 2020
Budget: USD 4M
Countries (17): Ghana, Mali, Togo, Benin, Senegal, Cameroon, Ethiopia, Kenya, DR Congo, Tanzania, Madagascar, Burkina Faso, Spain, Bangladesh, Côte d'Ivoire, Fiji, Burundi.

The Pan-African Fellowship was designed as an 18-month career development program for two (2) rounds with a total of 150 scientists (50 Fellows, 50 Mentors and 50 Fellows' Mentees) benefitting from this Fellowship. From this number, six (6) Fellows were selected from the International Livestock Research Institute (ILRI), the Australian Centre for International Agricultural Research (ACIAR) and the Pacific Community (SPC) to participate in the second round of the fellowship.

Read more about the Pan-African Fellowship.

Institutional Fellowship

Purpose: To build the capacity women leaders/scientists in Ethiopian Institute of Agricultural Research (EIAR) so that they can take leadership positions.
Period: 2019 (8 months)
Countries (1): Ethiopia

AWARD implemented a customized Fellowship for the Ethiopian Institute of Agricultural Research (EIAR) focused on 20 early career women agricultural scientists, 19 mentors, and 19 fellows’ mentees (a total of 58 beneficiaries) for an eight (8) month period. This contracted version of the AWARD flagship Fellowship served as a proof of concept for increased investments in women agricultural scientists at EIAR and in various academia and research institutions across Ethiopia.

Read more about the Institutional Fellowship.

Flagship Fellowship

Purpose: To equip women agricultural scientists across sub-Saharan Africa to further their careers and their contributions to the African agricultural sector.
Period: 2008 – 2015
Countries (16): Ghana, Nigeria, Uganda, Ethiopia, Zambia, Kenya, Mozambique, Malawi, Liberia, Tanzania, Rwanda, Burkina Faso, Côte d'Ivoire, Cameroon, Senegal, and Mali.

The AWARD Flagship Fellowship was a 2-year career development fellowship that benefited 1161 agricultural scientists (464 Fellows, 397 Mentors and 366 Fellows’ Mentees) in seven (7) fellowship cycles.

Read more about the Flagship Fellowship.

Leadership Program for Emerging African Women in Science

Purpose: To strengthen the leadership and technical capacity of young women in science.
Period: July 2021 - July 2024
Countries (21): Benin, Botswana, Burkina Faso, Cambodia, Cameroon, Côte d'Ivoire, Eswatini, Ethiopia, Ghana, Kenya, Madagascar, Malawi, Nigeria, Republic of South Sudan, Senegal, South Africa, Somalia, Tanzania, Uganda, Zambia, and Zimbabwe.
Budget: USD 100,000

This program is funded by The Carnegie Corporation of New York (CCNY) and operates under AWARD's Global Forum of Women in Scientific Research (GoFoWiSeR), which aims to address the underlying factors contributing to gender disparity in STEM fields. Program offers interactive training sessions over a period of six (6) months on leadership, mentoring, proposal writing, communication skills, and personalized coaching, equipping young African women in science with the skills and confidence to lead and innovate in the scientific world. To date the program consists of three cohorts, having 75 high-potential young women in science from 21 sub-Saharan African countries.

Mentoring Program for Women Agricultural Economists in the Global South

Purpose: To build capacity for greater impact in agriculture and rural development through innovative economic approaches​​.
Period: February 2022 - September 2023
Countries (20): Belgium, Cameroon, China, Ecuador, Germany, Ghana, Greece, India, Kenya, Malawi, Mali, Netherlands, Nigeria, Pakistan, Senegal, South Africa, Sri Lanka, Sweden, United States, and Zimbabwe
Budget: USD 200,000

This program is a joint effort between AWARD and the International Committee of Women in Agricultural Economics (ICWAE). Its primary objective is to cultivate and enhance a network of female agricultural economists who possess a transformative leadership mindset. The program involved the participation of 56 participants (28 mentees and 28 mentors) from the Global South. This engagement spanned two (2) cohorts over a period of two years.

Leadership and Mentoring Program for Gender Researchers

Purpose: To strengthen researchers’ capacity to influence institutional processes towards gender-equitable and socially inclusive agricultural transformation.
Period: September 2021 - October 2022
Countries (16): Belgium, Burundi, Cameroon, Ethiopia, Ghana, Kenya, Nepal, Netherlands, Nigeria, Pakistan, Senegal, Sri Lanka, Tanzania, Uganda, United Kingdom, and United States, 
Budget: USD 753,124

The program is a collaboration of AWARD and the CGIAR GENDER Platform which aims to strengthen the leadership, negotiation, and mentoring skills of gender researchers in the CGIAR Platform network and the NARIs so that they can effectively influence institutional processes towards gender-responsive agricultural transformation. The Program engaged 44 gender researchers (24 mentees and 20 mentors) from the CGIAR Consortium.

Read more about this program.

WAVE Fellowship

Purpose: To foster mentoring partnerships, sharpen science writing skills, and unlock leadership potential for women researchers from West Africa.
Period: July 2021 - March 2023
Countries (10): Benin, Burkina Faso, Cameroon, Côte d'Ivoire, DR Congo, Ghana, Kenya, Nigeria, Sierra Leone, and Togo

The program was aimed at accelerating the Careers of Women within the West Africa Virus Epidemiology (WAVE) for Root and Tuber Crops Project. WAVE is composed of a network of universities, national scientific and biotechnological research centers in the 10 Central and West African countries. The interventions included fostering mentoring partnerships, sharpening science writing skills, and unlocking the leadership potential of the women researchers. The 18-month accelerator program targeted 44 mid-level women scientists.


Success Stories

GRASP Fellowship


One Planet Fellowship


Pan-African Fellowship


Institutional Fellowship


Flagship Fellowship


Special Programs
